
Sermons Brad McMahan Sermons Brad McMahan

FAQ (Week 1): The Truth About Heaven & Hell

Sermon Summary:

"The Truth about Heaven and Hell" distinguishes between primary and secondary issues in matters of faith, urging the followers of Jesus to focus on essential aspects of faith when it comes to understanding concepts like heaven and hell, amidst uncertainties. The sermon discusses the traditional and biblical views of heaven and hell, exploring the interconnectedness of heaven and earth and the consequences of human rebellion. It ends with a call to repentance and faith, highlighting Jesus' role in restoring the relationship between heaven and earth for eternal life.

Study Guide & Discussion Questions:

Download this week’s study guide and discussion questions HERE.

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Sermons Brad McMahan Sermons Brad McMahan

Jesus Christ: Superstore (Week 2) - Ingredient Jesus

The sermon "Ingredient Jesus" discusses how our society is consumed by endless choices, leading to decision fatigue and a distorted view of Jesus. Many treat their faith like a spiritual buffet, picking and choosing only what suits them. Others have been hurt by false representations of Jesus and fear making another wrong choice. The goal is to encounter the real Jesus by surrendering our self-made idols. Jesus offers a unique, genuine, and abundant life that can only be found by making Him the main ingredient in our lives.

Click HERE for this week’s study guide and group discussion questions.

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Sermons Brad McMahan Sermons Brad McMahan

Supernatural (Week 1) - Holy Spirit 101

"Holy Spirit 101" begins to highlight the importance of embracing the supernatural in our faith. Brad addresses the disconnect many Christians have with the Holy Spirit and highlights the impact it has on our spiritual growth and joy. In the kick off to the Supernatural series we explore the nature of the Holy Spirit as a distinct person and explains His role in creation and in our lives. Brad concluded by calling for a revival of belief in the Holy Spirit's presence and power to bring about a renewed understanding and experience of the supernatural among believers.

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